Posted on May 14, 2018
Rotary International District 5340 has officially earned the 2018 Platinum GuideStar Nonprofit Profile Seal of Transparency. According to Guidestar, Rotary District 5340 is the first Rotary district across the globe to achieve this recognition.
Guidestar is the world's largest source of nonprofit information, and the platinum seal is the highest level of recognition offered. 
By sharing metrics that highlight progress that Rotary District 5340 is making, the organization is helping Rotary members, corporate partners, and donors better understand the finances of the District, and how it strives to support clubs making a difference in the community. 

"This is a terrific achievement, and is in line with our long-held goal of being completely transparent across District 5340,” said Scott Carr, District Governor for 2017-18. “We are excited to convey our organization’s results in a user-friendly and easily-accessible platform. By updating our GuideStar Nonprofit Profile to the Platinum level, we can now easily share a wealth of up-to-date organizational metrics with Rotarians as well as our supporters, which includes donors, grantmakers, community partners, and the media."
Click on the Guidestar logo to view the Guidestar page about District 5340. To view the rest of this story about the milestone for District 5340, click on the link at the beginning of the story.