RB Sunrise Rotary needs your help! As a service club that provides assistance to people locally, nationally and internationally, we need money. The programs and organizations that we support need our help more than ever.  Find out how you can help.

RB Sunrise Rotary is an active part of the Rancho Bernardo-Poway Community and a part of a global network of professional and business leaders who all share the same motto: "Service above Self".  You can help us by joining with us as a member.  If you can't spare the time, you can also help us financially by making a donation to help us serve others.

We know that you get many requests for assistance.  What makes Rotary different is that 100% of the funds donated are spent helping local and international projects and organizations. By helping us with your financial support, you will have the satisfaction of knowing you have made a difference in the Rancho Bernardo community and the world. Local organizations that RB Sunrise supports include: Joslyn Senior Center, Abraxis High School, Local Scout Troops, Family Literacy Foundation, Rancho Bernardo Senior Services and Toys for Tots.  This is only a partial list of organizations we support locally. 

Internationally, besides building homes via the Corazon Project in Mexico, RB Sunrise Rotary has provided funds for surgical supplies to a hospital in Malawi, sewing machines for a village in Nicaragua, and an ongoing program to provide low cost wheelchairs to handicapped persons in third world countries.

Additionally Rotary International has been recognized for its multitude of humanitarian projects and is best known for Polio Plus, a program that is assisting the World Health Organization in ridding the world of polio.

As you can see, by helping RB Sunrise Rotary, you will be partnering with us to truly make a difference in our community and the world.

To help directly click on the button below.  Thank you for your support.

Note: Photo is our 2008-2009 President Kendra Jeffcoat painting a house RB Sunrise Rotary built on October 25, 2008 in Mexico as a participant of the Corazon Project.