BEERnardo Sponsorship drive is here!!

Last week, Gordy sent the Sponsorship Form and event Fact Sheet to you. Click the links below to get the Sponsorship Tools.
One tool is a "cover letter" that you can customize by adding your contacts name and address (open and look at it!! You will see what I mean) for all your friends, family members, neighbors & business owners in the area that you are emailing or mailing the sponsorship requests to.
Other tools are two versions of the "Sponsorship Form" and event "Fact Sheet" for you - one is both documents combined into (1) 3-page document, and then in case you want to print some - the same documents are attached a two separate documents. (Just in case you lost that last email)
Our goal is to raise $75,000+ this year. That is 50% more than last year. We have more Rotarians this year than last year, and the event has growing momentum... With the event being moved to Webb Park we will be establishing a phenomenal annual event for our community. It should be easier than ever for you to bring in those Sponsors!!
Remember, the best way to get more sponsors is to ASK.  In person and by phone, you never know which one of the people you interact with each day is just waiting for the opportunity to participate.
Thanks in advance - this years BEERnardo will be the best yet!!
Let us know if you can think of something that will help us all promote this event and find this years Sponsors.