Left to right: Sunil Homes, Kristine Inguez, Ms. Traci Barker-Ball, Cyrus Moayedi

Traci Barker-Ball, director of the The Student Services Office spoke at the June 9 meeting of the RB Sunrise Rotary Club.  She stated that the Student Services Office is there to support students and parents.  Because of the budget problems with the State of California, the office may be closed.  The annual budget for the office is $80,000. Her presentation highlighted the essential role of the office in the life of high school students.  The budget crisis has caused many programs, including the Student Services Office to seek community support. Funding from grants is now longer available and new grant funding is tenuous at best. In the photo above, Ms. Barker-Ball is joined by Kristine, a former student peer counselor and now a student at Point Loma University.  Sunil Homes, son of RB Sunrise member Diane Homes, is a peer counselor.  Cyrus Moayedi is a student that who also has been helped by the Student Center and is now helping other students. 
hits counter The following is a list of the activities and programs that would be in Jeopardy if the office closes.

    Peer Counseling: There are 80 motivated peer counselors who are available to help other students with social or personal issues (however, they don't give advice and they are trained to go to an in certain circumstances). Peer Counselors do community service (every PC is committed to do at least 15 hours per semester) working in hospitals; at nursing homes; as mentors for younger students; as tutors; working in various offices around campus; helping with special nights such as Back-to-School Night, Financial Aid Night, 8th Grade Parent Night, etc.; they make things for teachers and staff; they hold "Keep the Peace" on late start Mondays (free food and drinks for students to arrive on campus early); appreciation luncheon for the custodians; PLUS (Peer Leaders Uniting Students) Forums for all students; and hold special information weeks for suicide prevention, eating disorders, etc.
  Mentoring/Tutoring Program: students who have struggled academically can be matched up with an older student or adult mentor. They meet once a week for about 45 minutes - 1 hour.

    Conflict Mediation: When students are having problems with friends, peer counselors or Student Services Staff are available to help with the mediation.

    Support Groups: The Student Services Office offers support groups for many diverse issues (Latino issues, family transitions, sexuality, anger management, women's issues, bereavement).

    Tobacco Cessation/Drug/Alcohol Prevention: The Student Services Office staff does presentations in classrooms and also work individually with students who are trying to quit tobacco and other drugs. They· also offer tobacco cessation classes, in addition to offering resources to families.

    General support: When students aren't sure where to turn for questions or problems, they can go to the Student Services Office for resources.

    Clubs: The following clubs are partially sponsored through the Student Services Office: SAVE (Students Against Violence Everywhere), GSA (Gay-Straight Alliance), World Of Difference.

    World of Difference: with the assistance of the Anti-Defamation League, a 3-day workshop teaching students to be trainers for tolerance-related issues.

    "Every 15 Minutes": working with the California Highway Patrol and some PHS parents, this 2day assembly simulated a drunk driving accident. These assemblies gave all students the knowledge of what could happen if someone chooses to drive while intoxicated.

    Camp ROCK: This two-week summer school class is offered for at-risk incoming freshmen

    Adopt-A-Familyand Financial Resources: The Student Services Office coordinates adopt-afamily at the holiday season and helps students in need throughout the year by obtaining donations and resources for financial assistance with school related expenses.

    Coordination of Communication: when disasters, tragedies, accidents, deaths, etc. occur, the communication and support is coordinated through our office. Additionally, the monthly newsletter is edited through this office.

Currently the Student Services Office is staffed by a Teacher On Special Assignment, Traci Barker-Ball (ext. 5393,, who has a master's degree and credential in counseling, and one 30-hour Student Services Specialist, Sandy Stromberg (ext. 5394,