Club Rotario Tijuana Milenio Minarete

In 2010, Rex Teets, a past-president of RB Sunrise Rotary Club met Ulises Uribe, a member of Tijuana Milenio Minarete Rotary club, at ameeting at another Rotary Club in District 5340. Ulises and Rex talked about the possiblity of a sister club relationship. Soon Paul Gorman, RB Sunrise Rotary Club International Service chair became involved. In September of 2010, President Al Watson, Executive Secretary Jim Dunny, Paul Gorman and member Arlene Cawthorne traveled to Tijuana to see the projects that Milenio Minarete had already done. We learned that this new generation club was chartered in District 4100. Currently the club has about 20 members and meets on Thursday evennings at 7:30 pm at Hotel Palacio Azteca.
In October 2010, several members of RB Sunrise Rotary assisted Milenio Minarete with their Health Fair. In December 2010, Minarete Milenio asssisted RB Sunrise with a Gift Fair at an elementary School in Poway. Both clubs are pleased to be able to do international participation events by partnering with Rotarians across our international border.
Club Rotario Tijuana Milenio Minarete website link, click here. (If you use Google Chrome web browser, you can view the website in English)