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District 5340 serves San Diego and Imperial Counties in Southern California. The size of these two counties is larger than the state of New Jersey. The size of San Diego County alone is larger than the states of Rhode Island and Delaware combined.

San Diego currently has 62 Clubs and 4 provisional clubs.  The oldest and largest club is the Rotary Club of San Diego (Club 33).  Club 33 is celebrating its centennial year in 2011-2012.

District 5340 has been on the forefront of Rotary innovations.The following either began here or are unique:

o   Uni-vocational Group Study Exchange,
o   The Paul Harris Society,
o   Rotarians at Work,
o   Online Fair for Matching Grants website,
o   Bumper Sticker that reads "Goodbye Polio, Thanks Rotary",
o   The Rotary Flag Court at PETCO park,
o   Rotary Clubs on 3 military bases.
       District 5340 has been a generous supporter of The Rotary Foundation
o   World leader in Matching Grants. In some years - #1 in the world.
o   140+ Major Donors ($10,000+)
o   5 Arch Klumpf Society members ($250,000+)
o   In several years we have been #1 with gifts to the Permanent Fund
o   Several years #1 in restricted giving
o   We exceeded one million dollars in Foundation contributions four times
o   In 2011-12 we did 37 District Grants and 18 Global Grants worth $1.3 million 
      Sent or hosted 70 Ambassadorial/Peace Scholars in 10 years.
District 5340 Rotarians have served in top positions and have won numerous awards:
o   PDG Steve Brown is a past Trustee of The Rotary Foundation  
o   Ron Beaubien is a Past Rotary International Director
The Camp Pendleton Club received a Significant Achievement award from RI for a $65,000 Memorial Wall aboard Camp Pendleton.
The Downtown Rotaract club in 2004-2005 earned RI prestigious "Outstanding Service Project" award for Juvenile Diabetes project.
Since 2006 District 5340 has been honored to host International Assembly - the location where all the world's District Governor's are trained. Many clubs have host hospitality events for visiting DGE's and their spouses.